Please welcome today's Word Wizard, Taylor Nash!
Tell us about your debut novel Uncharted Depths.
Uncharted Depths is a contemporary romantic suspense that takes the characters from their Midwestern hometown to a tropical island as they search for the truth about a murder Braden was convicted of committing. Events and personalities collide in a tense dance, as the story unravels a conspiracy.
Why did you choose romantic suspense?
As you've heard, write what you like to read. As a young girl, I read every Nancy Drew book (does that tell my age?).
I've read them, too. You're not alone! :0)
I loved mysteries. As I became of age, I started reading romance novels. When I found books that combined both, I was hooked and that's what I've been reading ever since.
Were there any aspects of Uncharted Depths you struggled with?
I guess if I were to pick one thing, it was probably getting the characters to be true to form. What I mean is the characters' internal and external conflicts have to have goals and motivations to be strong characters. If the readers don't care about the characters, you're not going to keep your reader interested and turning the pages.
What about writing Uncharted Depths was easy? If anything - LOL!
The setting for Uncharted Depths was easy to describe. The novel starts in the Midwest and takes you on a journey to Alabama and a tropical island. My husband and I visited Gulf Shores/Orange Beach many times and when I decided to write this novel, I knew that would be the location. It's beautiful, so it made it easy to describe the incredible, tropical setting.
What are you reading right now?
I'm reading Sandra Brown's White Hot. She's an incredibly gifted author.
Did you make any New Year's resolutions?
Yes - top on the list is the same every year - lose weight (yeah right!). Writing - my goal is to publish one book a year, but I need to take more time for myself to maintain good health and a strong mental attitude. That means more travel to golf destinations, a trip to Maui in October, and as many short trips as I can work in for promotions and, of course, lots of time with my new granddaughter who is five months old. I'm SOOOO engrossed in my next novel, The Apparition, I have trouble putting it down and taking time for myself. You can read the first chapter on my website www.taylornash.com, and you'll see why.
Wonderful! Thanks for being here, Taylor.
One copy of Uncharted Depths is up for grabs so let us know what's on your mind!
Hi Tiffany and Taylor! (Showing my age here, but wasn't there a Barbie type doll back in the 70s named Tiffany Taylor?)
I love the sound of your book, Taylor. There's nothing like a good romantic suspense in an exotic setting. Good luck with sales, and with all your resolutions, too. You're so right, maintaining our health is the most important thing.
gl with your book it sounds interesting
I don't remember a Barbie named Tiffany Taylor...but I love that name! :0)
I agree with you - romantic suspense is great, but it's that much better when it includes exotic locales.
Sometimes as authors I think we let our health slide in order to meet that deadline or do more promo, etc. I'd like to encourage all of you to make your health your first priority! Without it the stories stop and that's not good.
It is interesting! Hopefully you'll have a chance to check it out.
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