Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wonderful Writers, Amazing Women! AKA An Award, a Contest and a Trailer, Oh My!!

Current Read: Catch of the Day by Kristan Higgins

An Award

I was thrilled to receive this "One Lovely Blog" Award from Chiron O'Keefe who writes one lovely blog herself, The Write Soul. This is a first for Armchair Heroines!

So, now I have the privilege of passing on the award. There are a couple of rules:

1. Accept the award and post back to the awarding person.
2. Pass the award on.
3. Notify the award winner/s.

Here are my picks:

1. Five Scribes - packed with information for authors and readers alike! These five scribes are wonderful writers and amazing women.

2. Romance Bandits - another blog packed with wonderful writers and amazing women. There's something for everyone here. This blog is also the home of the dashing Golden Rooster.

3. MamaWriters - I suppose this could be construed as cheating, because I'm a member of the MamaWriters...but it's yet another blog filled with wonderful women who are, you guessed it, amazing writers as well as supportive and encouraging friends and colleagues. I'm honored to be a part of it!

So, thank you again to Chiron and congratulations to the winners I've chosen. Be sure to stop by and say "hi" to them!

A Contest

Another wonderful writer, amazing woman and colleague of mine, Delilah Marvelle, has a new book out. I loved the first one and am saddened to hear that the series has been dropped. Help a girl out and go by the new book, Lord of Pleasure, today. I'm telling you, the Earl of Hawksford is going to be entertaining to say the least!

A Trailer

In case you haven't yet been spurred to action, here's the trailer for Lord of Pleasure.


Chiron said...

Great picks, Tiffany!! Those are fantastic blogs.

Delilah's book looks fantastic.


--Chiron O'Keefe