Welcome, Armchair BEAers, to my blog, Armchair Heroines!
My name is Tiffany James. I've basically had a book permanently attached to my hand since I learned to read! I read a little bit of a lot of different things but my faves are classics (Jane Austen, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain) and romance fiction, which is what this blog is all about.
Armchair Heroines hosts author interviews, giveaways, a review here or there, fun, games and a writing related post on Wednesdays ("Writer Wednesdays"). I'm just getting back to blogging after taking a break to deal with some health stuff.
You can most often find me avoiding housework of any kind by sticking my nose in a book or typing madly on my computer.
Most people don't know that I can't stay upright on a pair of skis. Not a big deal, right? Here's the clincher: I grew up in the mountains of Colorado (my face is red with shame and embarrassment).
I now reside safely and without fear on the plains of Colorado where I can fondly gaze upon the mountains and not hear their mocking cries.
My view of the mountains:
Here's a picture of my favorite armchair for your viewing pleasure:
Looking forward to this week packed full of blogging and books!
Dropping by to say hi! LOL at your tidbit of information about not being able to ski. I have a feeling that if I ever give it a try, I won't be able to do it either. Because I live in the Philippines, I've never seen snow.
I don't get to read much romantic fiction but my favorite contemporary romance authors are Jennifer Crusie, Julie James and Liane Moriarty. Hope to see you around ArmchairBEA. :)
Growing up near the ski-filled slopes of Utah, I too admit I'm not a skier. I could possibly stay upright, but I'm just not into it. Love the armchair - it's served you well!
I've never tried skiing. Unless I'm ill or traveling (and don't have access to the internet), I post a review each and every day. Come learn more about me and my blog.
Chachic ~
Great to see you here at Armchair Heroines! Thanks for dropping by. Glad you enjoyed the ski story. I do love snow - I just don't like to try to move across it on two little sticks tied to my legs. :0)
I'm a big fan of Julie James also. I'm embarrassed to admit I've never read Jennifer Crusie (I got a serious lecture from my reading buddies on that one so I promptly went to the library and picked up a couple of her titles). I'll have to learn more about Liane, too.
Hope to see you around this week ~
Melissa ~
Yeah! I'm not alone. We should form a stalwart group. :0)
Thanks for the kind thoughts on my fading armchair. Sigh...
Great to see you here at AH. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you in ArmchairBEA-land ~
Hi, Puss Reboots ~
Thanks for stopping by Armchair Heroines. I admire your ability to post a review every day. I'm lucky if I get one once a month.
Enjoy ArmchairBEA ~
I’m hopping through from Armchair BEA! I try my hardest to avoid housework too….reading is much more fun than laundry ;)
Hi, Book Savvy Babe ~ Amen, sister! Housework if for the birds...I'd rather be reading.
Thanks for hopping through. Enjoy ArmchairBEA!
What a pretty view. I like driving home by the Gulf of Mexico every day but I am jealous of your mountains.
Nice to "meet" you today!
We're almost neighbors with me in AZ! Happy BEA and thanks for stopping by my blog!! Thanks for the well wishes too :o)
You sound just like me! Definitely avoiding housework plugging away at the computer or reading. :o) And gotta love that chair, you can tell it's seen many books.
On behalf of the Armchair BEA organizers thanks so much for participating! We really are so happy to have you!
You have such a great view of the mountains! I visited Colorado last summer and loved it out there (gorgeous views). Also, like you, I often have a book attached to my hand. Can't wait to see more of your posts! :)
Hi, Michelle ~ Thanks for stopping by Armchair Heroines.
Beach or mountains? Beach or mountains? I'd have a hard time deciding which I'd rather have. I love them both! I do enjoy waking up every morning to that beautiful view, though. Maybe we could trade house for six months out of the year? :0)
Enjoy ArmchairBEA ~
Hi, Mickey ~ We are almost neighbors! My family and I used to vacation in Arizona. I miss it.
Thanks for dropping by. Enjoy ArmchairBEA ~
Hi, 1stdaughter ~
First of all, thank you for all of your hard work organizing Armchair BEA. I'm having a great time!
Housework stinks! I'm going to make bumper stickers.
Thanks for visiting ~
Hi, Kristin ~
Thanks for stopping by!
Colorado is a pretty rockin' place! Hope you get to visit again soon.
I was looking through family pix the other day and in like 80% of them I have a book in front of my face! Now that's a true obsession. :0)
Enjoy Armchair BEA ~
Hey Tiffany,
Hope you doing good. Just wanted to say hello and tell you that I am choosing your blog as one of my fav blogs..
You have a beautiful blog and I am following it..would love it you could visit mine and follow too :)
Happy reading...and wishes from India...Debolina
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